The Power of the Right Kind of Planning


We seem to get conflicting information. Should we plan or not? We are taught the importance of looking to the future and being prepared. On the other hand, we are taught to be flexible and open to the doors that are there for us. What is important is understanding what planning is, what it isn’t, how it can help, how it can hurt, and how we can leverage the benefits of planning without falling into its trapa.  We won’t cover all of these topics today – but they are important to think about.

Planning is about goals, making decisions and taking the best steps forward to achieve the goals. We accomplish more by looking forward, researching, making smart decisions, and working passionately and for a long period of to achieve the objectives.

Let’s take a look at the life of Jesus Christ. He knew what his mission was but not all at once. We learned that he grew line upon line. He was prepared when it was time for his mission.

He probably didn’t know exactly what people, situations and trials he would encounter. However, he was prepared to handle the situations appropriately. He was strong but gentle. He was clear but kind. He blessed but held people accountable.   He respected the agency of others. In fact, he allowed others to kill him – because of his respect for the agency of others.

His mission, goals, passion, and energies were spent on what mattered most to his Father. He was of one heart. He knew that the greatest happiness and growth comes by focusing on others.

So, what does this mean for you and me?  There is real power in  preparing to be the kind of person that can bless others.

The temptation is to simple do what others do.  That is a sure path to an empty life.  We learn that the path to true happiness is narrow.   Who we become is up to us.   Remember the marshmallow study.

About dwillden

Hello, I’m David. I’m a father, author, and executive living in UT. I'm the founder of Creating You Planner - an online planning and tracking system to help you further define and turn your aspirations into reality. To learn more visit - I'm also the author of the Creating You Inc guidebook is a powerful tool to help you discover and define who you yearn in your soul to be. It helps you to also define a roadmap for yourself. To learn more visit - My sweet spot is helping people to discover and create a future of real purpose for themselves. I am also a strategist and transformation leader. I have worked as a top executive and as an executive consultant leading major transformations in the private, public, and non-profit sectors.
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